Manufacturing Digital Transformation (Industry 4.0)
Capability analysis of the company

Digital manufacturing is an integrated approach to manufacturing that is centered around a computer system. The transition to digital manufacturing has become more popular with the rise in the quantity and quality of computer systems in manufacturing plants. Overall, digital manufacturing can be seen sharing the same goals as computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM), flexible manufacturing, lean manufacturing, and design for manufacturability (DFM). The main difference is that digital manufacturing was evolved for use in the computerized world.

There are three important interacting development areas which importance is in direct correlation with the business strategy (make to order, customized manufacturing, make to stock) of the company.

Digibility, Flexibility, Automatibility

Digibility is the level of digitization the manufacturing, that is the level of implementation of various digital techniques in the extending supply chain (marketing, R&D, purchasing, process planning, manufacturing, testing, logistics, selling, after-sale services, recycling).

Flexibility means to produce reasonably priced customized products of high quality that can be quickly delivered to customers. There are different meanings of flexibility: machine flexibility, operation flexibility, volume flexibility, routing flexibility, process flexibility, product flexibility, expansion flexibility.

Automatibility emphasis to the level of use different automation tools (CNC, robotics, material handling systems, etc) in manufacturing operations.

Self estimation principles

Self estimation is a real-time engineering aid to the company to be more effective and sustainable. Self estimation means to have current understanding about the existing situation and real needs in a company in a certain field. The estimation procedures have a meaning of audit.

The aim of a digiaudit is to get an overview of the extent to which and for what purpose companies are using different digitizing instruments in their value chain.

Working out the principles of Digiaudit the horizontal (manufacturing processes) and vertical (order fulfilling process) value chain of a company has been taken into consideration. In these value chains different processes business planning, customer relationship management, manufacturing operations and control, supply chain management, etc) in different company levels could be digitized. The bases for Digiaudit structure was US Standard ANSI/ISA 95.00.xx (or corresponding ISO standard ISO/IEC 62264-xx).

Digiaudit covers the following most important areas in manufacturing:

Name Digitalization Field
CRM Customer Relationship System
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
PLM Product Lifecycle Management
MES Manufacturing Execution System
IoT Vertical and Horizontal Value Chain Integration
CPS Cyber Physical Systems
CAQ Computer Aided Quality Control
WMS Warehouse Management System
CMMS Computerized Maintenance Management System
LIMS Laboratory Information Management System

In the digiaudit procedure there is necessary to proceed abovementioned 10 areas, by analysing the existing situation and activities that are carried out in the company in these fields.

Digiaudit gives the results about the level of digitalization in a company and information what is the existing level of digitalization of different value creation processes. Also there is possible to analyse the needed level of digitalization of the company and activities to be carried out.

The level of digitization of manufacturing is the level of implementation of various digital techniques in the extending supply chain(marketing, R&D, purchasing, process planning, production, testing, logistics, selling, after-sale services, recycling).

Level of digitalization Description of the nature of the level
Weak The company has not implemented digital technologies or there is no need for their implementation
Middle range The company has somewhat used various information communication technology tools to automate various processes
Good The company uses the digitalization of various processes and is moving towards the development of Industry 4.0 in the areas necessary for the company
Excellent The company is moving robustly towards Industry 4.0 technologies and several of the horizontal and vertical value chain processes have been digitized to the required level through various ICT solutions (both software and hardware)

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